We can't survive without the support of your generous donations. Our foundation has many goals still to achieve and one of them is to build a state of the art Indian Cultural Arts Center which will be able to host events that help preserve the cultural heritage of India. Your donations support our various activities including the 'Festival of Tabla' which has now become a name which is now recognized around the world. Your donations are tax deductible.
The Ravi & Shashi Bellare Arts Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of arts & culture of south Asia with a focus on the art of Tabla Solos and Indian Classical Music. We are committed to providing a platform as well as attentive audiences to not only renowned musicians but the young and upcoming talent as well.
Please use the link below to donate or contact us at ravishashiarts@gmail.com for other methods or questions.